The 8 Channel Symbols

 I. Channel Logo


This is my current channel Logo. It is a circle with six days on the top. There is a serif letter F on the bottom. The font of the "F" is Windsor Bold. It's modified for a reason. The six rays symbolize the six original facebanks. I explained  it on this video

II. Facebank Shorts


Facebank Shorts is a 2023 series created by me. It involves of Facebanks certain situations. It hasn't gone popular since 2024, but many are liking it and slowly gone viral since days. The logo can be found in the intro.

III. Original Logo


If you click on the "history" page, than you will know that this is the original Logo for my channel. It was used in my very first intro, because I did not have one. Once I get to 800 subs, the same red, yellow, and white will be used, but it wouldn't have this shape.

IV. Letter F


The letter F can be seen on my logo. If you scroll up, you will find more of the information. The font of the "F" is Windsor Bold. Like the logo, it's modified for a reason. The bottom part is cut off in the logo because if it wasn't, then it would look really bad and not good.

V. The Blue Star


The Blue Star is a symbol of Facebank City and has been used in many brands made by it's 12 counties. This symbol was first introduced in 1810, long before it existed. This symbol was used as a location marker between present-day California and Nevada.

VI. Facebank


This is a facebank. You can find it in most of my videos! The green one (shown in this picture) is not the only Facebank, there are a lot of them in many colors! This is why my channel name is "Facebank Man" and why I made Facebank Shorts.

VII. Happycorn 


Are you a true OG fan? If you are, than this is just for you. HAPPYCORN made appearances in my older videos, and even several episodes from Facebank Shorts. Happycorn made a lot of appearances until April 10th of 2023, where she was sat idle.

VIII. Channel Seal 


Where can you find a seal? That's right, in coats of arms (in the case of my coat of arms). Escutcheons are parts found in coats of arms, but they are not fully counted as seals. These can also be counted as "lesser achievement" if you are interested in heraldry.

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